PIC Microcontroler Based Kit
Model No: ET –PIC
- Based on Microchip’s PIC16F877
- On Board 16*2 LCD Display
- On Board 6 digit seven segment Display
- 4 * 4 matrix Keyboard
- 4 separate pulled up Keys
- 8 indicating LED’s
- On Board internal ADC of PIC
- On Board external ADC interface
- On Board Temperature sensor (NTC )
- CCP input ( RPM Measurement )
- PWM output ( Digital to Analog )
- On Board Buzzer output
- Pulse input ( Counter interface )
- On Board Rs-232-C interface
- On Board RS485 Interface
- IIC serial EPROM interface
- On Board Infra Red Interface
- Built in Power Supply
- Enclosed in a Wooden/Plastic Box
- Supplied with user Manual