Model No: ET-DSP
- The DSK Trainer kit uses Taxas Instruments TMS320C6745 DSP chip a 375 MHz device delivering up to 3648 million instructions per second (MIPs)and 2736 MFLOPS .
- This DSP Trainer is specifically designed in a modular and user friendly format with many on board interface.
- TAG supported via USB
- TLV320AIC23B programmable stereo codec
- Two 3.5mm audio jacks for microphone and speaker
- Expansion port for plug-in modules
- Power supply : +5V, ±12V, GND
- 8 DIP switches for inputs and 8 LED indication for output
- Provision for manual Reset
- 4*4 LED matrix
- White noise source of amplitude 0~5Vpp
- 20*2 character LCD display
- 7 segment displays
- RTC interface : I2C based RTC section
- Phone keypad : 0 to 9 digits and *, # characters
- Code composer studio for the TMS320C6745 DSK is included