Model: ET-8085-AD
- 8085 Microprocessor (8 bit) chips, operating at 6.144 MHz frequencies.
- 16 bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program.
- 8 K bytes of RAM available to the user.
- Total on Board memory expansion of 64K bytes using 2732/2764/27128/27256/6264/62256/ with total 4 sockets of 28 pins.
- Memory mapping definable by the user.
- 48 programmable I/O lines provided through 8255.
- Three 16-bit Timers/Counters through 8253.
- RS-232C interface for CRT Terminal with auto baud rate from 75 to 4800 baud.
- 28 keys hexadecimal keyboard and six seven segment displays through 8279
- EPROM programmer for 27 series.
- 8 channels of A/D converter.
- One channel of 8-bit D/A using DAC 0800.
- 1 Relay Output having two NO and NC Contacts.
- 1 Opto isolated Input.
- Battery Back up for RAM.
- Assembler/Dissembler.
- All address, data & control lines are available at 50-pin FRC connector as per STD bus configuration.
- Powerful software commands like Relocate, string, Fill, Insert, Delete, Block Move, examine & Compare Memory, examine Register, Insert Data, Single step, Go, Break point in both serial and keyboard mode.
- Facility for Down/Up loading files from PC.
- With Built in Power Supply.
- Enclosed in a Plastic/Wooden Box