Model No: ET –LOAD
ET-LOAD is used to study LOAD Cell sensor. The load cell sensor has 4 number of load rosette. The student applies load using the weights provided with the kit and measure the corresponding voltage. This kit has been designed keeping students in mind so its very easy to understand and use.
- 4 number strain rosette fixed to load cell
- Test points are provided for measuring the voltage
- On board Digital meter: 3 ½ digits
- On board Amplifier Section
- Built in Zero Offset
- ON/OFF switch and LED for power indication.
- Bare board Tested Glass Epoxy SMOBC PCB is used.
- Block Description Screen printed on glassy epoxy PCB
- All interconnections are made using 2mm banana Patch cords
- Supplied with User manual and patch cords
- Weights of 1Kg, 500g, 200g, 100g, 50g provided with the kit (for applying strain)
- With built-in power supply
- Enclosed in a wooden/plastic box